How to Change Facebook Profile Into FanPage Page - Glass Styles

How to Change Facebook Profile Into FanPage Page

How to Change Facebook Profile Into FanPage Page

How to Change a Facebook Profile to a FanPage Page - Changing a Facebook profile to a fanpage page is a normal thing if the requirements of your Facebook account have been met, but there are a few things you should know before migrating from a Facebook profile to a fanpage page, because if you don't know the consequences will be fatal and you might be disappointed if you take action before reading this article.

How to Change a Facebook Profile to a FanPage Page

How to Change a Facebook Profile to a FanPage Page - Changing a Facebook profile to a fanpage page is common if the requirements of your Facebook account have been met, but there are a few things you should know before migrating from a Facebook profile to a fanpage page, because if you don't know the consequences will be fatal and you may be disappointed if you take action before reading this article.

Below is "How to Change a Facebook Profile to a FanPage Page" as follows:

By creating Pages, you can use more features and share them with a wider audience. Converting your profile to a Page will create a new Facebook Page based on your profile. You can only convert your profile to a Page once.

When you convert your profile to a Page:

  • -You will have a profile and a Page after the conversion.
  • We will use your profile photo and cover photo on the Page and the name on your profile will be the Page name.
  • You can select and add new Page followers from friends, followers, and friend requests pending your approval. See more information in the following sections.
  • You can choose which photos and videos to copy from your profile, but remember that views and other metrics stay on your profile and can't be transferred to Pages.
  • If converting a verified profile, remember that your verified badge will be removed from the profile, and the new Page will need to be resubmitted for verification. You can see an example of all changes before publishing a new Page.
  • When you're done setting up your new Page, we'll ask you to check the privacy settings on your profile to make sure you're sharing the information you want to share.

To convert your profile to a Facebook Page:

  • Go to Create a Facebook Page Based on Your Profile.
  • Click Start and follow the on-screen instructions. Your new page will be published automatically once the conversion process is complete.
  • What Happens to Friends, Followers, and Pending Friend Requests When I Convert to a Page
  • After your new Page is published.
  • Profile followers, friends and friend requests will receive a notification that you have created a new Page. The profile followers you select will automatically follow your new Page and will unfollow your profile.
The friends and pending friend requests you select will automatically like and follow new Pages and will not be removed from your profile. (By: facebook)

Note: If you have migrated from Facebook profile to fanpage, you will no longer be able to return it to how it was before, so think carefully before acting.

Advantages of Making Facebook a Fanpage Page

  • You can follow facebook advertising partners (Facebook ADS)
  • You can increase the number of your LIKES and Followers at will
From this information "How to Convert a Facebook Profile to a FanPage Page", I hope it will help you.

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